Jakarta, a booming and modern metropolis and capital of Indonesia-was originally a sleepy port town known as Sunda Kelapa. Through the course of historical events, however, Sunda Kelapa grew rapidly, and as early as the 1600’s became one of the most vital trading venues in the excotic East. At different times, and under various rulers, this town became known as Jayakarta, Batavia (under Dutch colonist), Jayakarta again, and finally Jakarta. In the 1940’s only about 200.000 people lived in this city, but today-with the influx of people into the city after the Second World War-jakarta’s population is now nine million. Previously known as “The Peral of the Orient”’ Jakarta with its shopping, nightlife and business opportunities is now a thriving major city and is often referred to as “the best kept secret in Asia”.
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